Action plan
Helping victims of domestic violence: I organized different fundraising events to raise as much money as possible for 4 different local foundations that provide aid, shelter and professional guidance to the victims of domestic violence. Also, with the help of many local businesses me and my team have donated 15 boxes of clothing and articles to these shelters.
Creating awareness on the topic: I believe that it’s not enough to simply provide aid to the victims, but also to work preventively by educating our children, setting the right example and showing them that loving someone also means respecting them. A child who has suffered from long-term abuse at home will think that violence is the way of solving problems and tends to follow the same path. Therefore I took part in local events that were organized to create awareness and re-educate our youth about domestic violence. Only by educating children, we will be able to break the cycle of domestic violence and create a better future for all families.
The opportunity to excel: In my opinion all children should have the right to a safe environment, love, support and encouragement from a parent/caregiver and the community, and most importantly an education. Because education is so important for a child’s development and future, I’ve been helping out at after-school centers where the children receive professional guidance with their homework. This after-school education program also includes motivating the children during their academic studies and trainings to build discipline, self-control, perseverance, determination, concentration and creating awareness on the effects of domestic violence.
A way of life
Helping the less fortunate is my passion and my projects are a big part of my daily life. After finishing my law study, I want to use my legal knowledge to help people in need of defending their right to live in an environment without abuse. I am truly grateful for having the opportunity to be part of the Miss World Competition, and being able to help and motivate the most vulnerable.